
Monday 16 November 2015

The Real Reason Why Ishacool is No Longer With Chuck

I was curious as to why Chuck and Isha had broken up. I began messaging Chuck back and forth and finally he just came out with it! He was homosexual (there's nothing wrong with that) and he cheated on her as he expressed his hatred towards her. He only wanted to use her for the money and fame. That's the cold/harsh reality behind it. MSP is made up on in-genuine people and he is one of many among others. Ishacool is no angel either, the brat had this coming and I'm glad their relationship was terminated what still annoys me is how she remains at the top of the high score. SHE DOES NOT DESERVE IT. It's absurd and ridiculous!
That's all for me!
Stay gorgeous xoxo

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Spotted! An Idea...

I think this background scheme would be better and lag free. I just found this today whilst booting up MSP and this happened. It's so much better in my opinion instead of continuously having backgrounds. I'd like to have a choice to change it to a colour or change it to one of MSP's background they've already created in the past.
It's an idea worth contemplating I think.
Well, that's all for now.
Stay Gorgeous!
XoXo - GG

Sunday 27 July 2014

Spotted! "Emo, Scene, Goth..."

Alternative People.

It caught my attention on MSP that this charade of being Alternative or liking different things than what people "usually" like has turned into a chaotic thing which people on MSP feel the need to share their life story on it talking about how different they are and trying to get attention and look cool.
It's not cool, it's a life style choice that each individual makes.
You like it? Fine, you don't? It's okay, you don't have to.
STOP making yourself look stupid like this person on the forum named "EXO72"
 It's good he's into it all but I don't believe It's genuine, not yet atleast...
Why does he feel the need to almost brag?
Is he trolling?
I don't care but this needs to stop.
It's fine to be alternative but don't embarrass yourself like this.
Gossip Girl

Saturday 26 July 2014

Gossip Girl

        Hello viewers of my Blog, I am Emily, the "Gossip Girl" of MSP.
From now on, my official title will be Gossip Girl.
You may still call me Emily if you so choose but preferably I want to be known only as 
Gossip Girl.
(That's my "Alter-Ego")
You may tell people I am Gossip Girl, but on MSP, I will target people with my new title and spread their dirty little secrets. I only spread truthful things.
Anyway, that's all I wanted to say...
Gossip Girl

Saturday 5 July 2014

So.. This Happened

I thought it was quite funny..

As you can see I've circled the error/glitch or what have you and it's hilarious and the best one yet!
I kind of want them to keep it for my profile only because I want to be the only one that'll ever be the oldest member (even though I'm far from it)
I just want to see my views haha...
Sorry guys, this was pointless, I haven't been active on MSP much... I'll try to though :)
Stay Gorgeous

Sunday 8 June 2014

Loved This Post

(REPOSTED, just thought you guys should know the story, If you haven't already check out Isha's blog.)
Polo-Isha:To Roxy-1

I have kept quiet long enough to be used and abused and let you get away with it. Most people don't know you like I do and You know it's kind of f^cked up how I've helped you and you were supposed to be my closest, but once you reach the point where you think you can't gain anything beneficial from me, you want to act like I was the one who needed you and play these damn games, like nah you ain't nothing, for real. Can I remind you that I was at the top of Msp at Level 20 when I added you as a mere level 10! I thought you loved and cared for me as a friend but all you cared for was to use my name to become famous and get your movies watched!! Well, it worked. I hope you are proud of yourself.

i mean my *****, how long were you even HERE before I helped you crawl out of that "i'll never amount to anything" shithole of yours and finally be yourself and learn new things and gain new friends, and now that you know a few people, you think it's time to betray and backstab me. LOOK BITCH, WHEN YOU GET TO THE TOP WHICH SADLY YOU WILL, AND KEEP YOUR SHIT UP THERE FOR THE NEXT 2 AND A HALF YEARS LIKE I HAVE AND THEN MAYBE WE CAN COMPARE NOTES, but for now, keep your shit and fake friends to yourself and leave me out of it. Trying to act like someone on MSP when 99% of the world don't even know you exist or f^cking care about your fame on MSP!! PATHETIC HOLLIGAN!!


Lets face it you were NO ONE on MSP and survived on short movies until Roxy and I adopted you as a friend-.- I f^cking made peace between you, Roxy and Fran when they hated your guts, whilst all along you were part of a plan to destroy me on Msp. I suffered a nervous break down due to the vicious attack you and Candi plotted against me 2 yrs ago!! How you must have laughed at me behind my back! Yes, I have forgiven Candi because she had the decency to own her part and talk about it. But, You Alisha on the other hand, hid your involvement, befriended me under false pretence, used my connections for fame! and to this day you continue to lie and won't own up your part!! 

I have watched you teamed up with Roxy and change her personality for the worst to a point where I can't even recognise my ex-bff anymore!! You've dragged her into your stupid fights with people and make her look like an idiot!! Your not 2-faced, you are 6-face Alisha, I doubt if you are ever true to your friends. When you are alone with me you bash Roxy's name to pieces and back me up on most occasions and when you are with Roxy, you bash my name! People should be afraid of you Alishit, you are the Devil. You and your douche bag bf deserve each other. GOOD RIDDANCE!!

ishacool Out.

Thursday 29 May 2014


Haha, I don't even know them well but it's cute how many boys came out on MSP.
I support them all the way. :*
XoXo Stay Gorgeous XoXo

Friday 23 May 2014

Bitch Please


This basic bitch thinks she can do what she likes and write a stupid/pathetic comment on my wall?
Well, she'll get it... I'll make sure of that!
This girl left a foul taste in my mouth, sorry you had to see this side of me, well anyway...
That's a wrap!
XoXo Stay Gorgeous XoXo

Thank You!

I've received tons, maybe more of support off of my blog and my personality. I appreciate it all and i've created a collage of one of many of the support i've received on MSP.

Also special thanks to Janet2746 who's been a great friend and supported me for a quite a while now, she is also a blogger! Check out her amazing blog, 

MovieStarPlanet brought me the opportunity to create my blog, receive good feedback and fans :)
I thank you all and cannot believe I inspire people. XoXo
(I'd like to thank MSP also, they helped me get my way when they warned and blocked the Infamous Candired, lottie, holly... Etc)
Thank You All!
And as always,
Stay Gorgeous. XoXo

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Elite VIP ;)

I'm VIP again, this time around I'm the elite VIP where i get those extra bonus things ;)
I look gorgeous, I'm rich and I'll buy my way to the top.
I'll beat isha, one day I'll revolutionize MSP.
Just you wait.
Well that's all for now... 

Bye guys!

Stay Gorgeous.xoxo -Emily

Saturday 5 April 2014


Hey Guys, It's been a while. Here's an MSP update for you!

 Well for starters, not many people online seeing as it's pretty early on a Saturday Morning but i prefer it that way. Unfortunately being only level 12... I can't accept all your friend requests. I'm sorry but i can't. There's been so many messages, friend requests, it's all great! Thank you for all your support :)

Obviously, there's new levels and OBVIOUSLY Ishacool is still the highest and Chuck still on the first page... But atleast he's still at the bottom where he belong :) I wonder if i'm ever going to achieve the old highest level which was level 25 i believe... It seems impossible seeing as i'm not as active as i used to be and there's no reason for me to pursue MSP in the long run but i'm taking baby steps and blogging is a passion of mine!

Try and help me raise my fame bar so i can add all those requests and just be higher leveled. I think everyone wants that and to have fun, right...? I'll promise to try and stay active and continue my truthful and bitchy gossip.x

Well the chat rooms certainly have updated. It's not particularly to my taste but what can you do?

 Just had to check whether or not she was still blocking me, i already knew the answer. She's pretty much predictable and she holds grudges just as always. I checked back i believe a couple of months ago and she was single and now she's back with Chuck.. The long ass relationship between her, a intellectual, bright, witty and catty girl and him a dumb, foolish, arrogant, ignorant boy. I personally prefer ishacool. He's just the third wheel, another excuse just to be in some sort of relationship... She can block me all she likes but she can't stop me from her being the targeted person in my posts every now and then :) I'll look forward to releasing new gossip on the "Queen."
 It amazes me on how trashy his looks can get... I mean that, as do all the other MSP players who are ridiculously popular have such disgusting, trashy and weird looks. They need to either simplify it and stick with a theme or just be naked because i give up on fashion with them all because they have no taste. I hate Chuck, big surprise but he and i just don't fit, mentioning this guy again just makes me cringe but i have to seeing as it is an update and his presence is quite relevant. (Plus i am still bitch of the year on his Blog and i do love my title.xx I'll redirect you to his blog post: http://chucksmspblog.blogspot.co.uk/2012/11/emily7861-put-post-on-her-blog-saying.html#comment-form)

 At least Fran, a very old acquaintance never blocked me or had the reason to. She knew what'd happened but being a bigger person decided not to join in and stay out of it and had no personal reason to block me or didn't follow her best friend the "Queens" commands which everyone does just to get 15 minutes of fame.

   Still blocked! Yay, thank you Alishak! I personally thought she'd never block me from the start but the "Queens" grasp was too strong so whatever!

 A very old friend. I don't know if her friendship was true but she was quick to judge and quick to blog. The thing is no one higher leveled than you really cares unless you have a title and a reputation and obviously a lot of money and fans etc. She listened and blocked me because of Ishacool which was a cold move but i guess Holly's true colours showed in the end.

 Also Holly's sister obviously following her sisters orders she to blocks me as petty as that sounds its all true but i couldn't careless.

Words cannot express how much i have to say about Candired... The girl whom i thought was a drear friend double crosses me, harasses me with her back up and her other friend lottiedoll which will not make an appearance in my post because i'm too lazy but you get the point, it was not a pretty sight. You get on her bad side and she totally goes on hardcore bitch mode to you and goes up Ishacools ass and ruins everything for you. She's fake basically, as every High Leveled MSP player can relate to that. Enough is enough, i'll rise one day and revolutionize this game. All in good time.

This is totally irrelevant but i really like this hairstyle on MSP, they did good on creating this one! Ignore my outfit but focus on the hair.

Well that's a wrap. This has been one of my biggest posts but you guys asked for one and you deserve it. Thank you to the players who've been here since day 1. Thank you to the ones who stayed by my side when the whole chaotic situation was going and to the ones who defended me, i am forever grateful.
Thank you and more posts will be up soon!
(Please share my blog, we're a growing family!)

Saturday 14 September 2013


This is my YouTube video (One of many) I hope you enjoy it!
It's a video made/edited by me of a show name Charmed and its season finale. It was made by using the Sims, the original video was made by another YouTuber but I just hopefully improved it :)

Saturday 22 June 2013

My New Friend Janet2746

HELP JANET2746 Level up.xx Watch all her movies and love her artbooks! She's an awesome new friend of mine :)

All About Ishacool...

As you all know me and Ishacool have some Issues, I was trying to apologize In my own way but you all know when Ishacool Is clearly being rude she can't take anything. So she blocks you, she thinks she can just about do anything. She's very rude and ignorant.
I sent this post/message to Isha's blog after she posted this really melodramatic thing about herself, she's vain and full of it.

As you can see how dramatic Is, there are other problems around the world and hate Is apart of It, people are dying every minute of the day and this girl Is worried about hate mail... On a game? Grow up Ishacool and get a reality check, you're not the only person In this world that gets this. It's amazes me how mean you can be or how you don't have a back bone, you can't take anything. I'm trying my best not to insult you but it's very hard because your type of personality Is disgusting. I tried many time to resolve what happened between us but the type of girl you are there's nothing to fix.

You Ishacool are a mean GIRL.

Monday 19 November 2012


Pictures cause I'm LAZY

|Twin Power|

Pretty N Perfect.


... ._.

After a firm and reasonable talk with MSP Yesterday they decide that they've been quite harsh with me because the other players do what I do with their blog and I alternated my blog so I'm known as the ''Good One'', but other than that, YES! I'm back!

Sunday 18 November 2012

''Okay Then''

I have never ever asked for anyone's age In the Mall people ask me ACTUALLY! I have never asked for people's names not unless we become friends but I ask In private chat also I have never In entire game life have asked for someone EMAIL ADDRESS where did that come from? What Is MovieStarPlanet doing? They're giving Incorrect/Invalid locks out to me! I just gave out my blog to someone who didn't know the name to It! Is that worth a lock for that lie? Someone has reported me for something not reasonable or lied?

Me and JayJay

That Face Though


Don't Know Who They Are But This Looks So Cool ^-^


My Boo Kayla.

Saturday 17 November 2012


Check Them Out.

Check Them Out :*

Thank You Hottie 3214

Thanks Babe :*

Proof... For Candired

You all might be wondering why these lot got a Warning/Lock well basically In the Mall these 3 girls were verbally attacking me and turned many users against me not to mention Hollyrenee she may seem Innocent she Is quite Innocent but not always, once they started attacking me the crowd that was there didn't try and stick up for me or at least end the fight they sided with the High Leveled VIP girls and always will assume I'm In the wrong without even getting to know me! And then random strangers attack me literally with animation some were threatening me for no reason which Is but pathetic but I'm not here to rant, I'm here to keep you up to date with what I've experienced with some of the players.