Polo-Isha:: To Roxy-1
i mean my *****, how long were you even HERE before I helped you crawl out of that "i'll never amount to anything" shithole of yours and finally be yourself and learn new things and gain new friends, and now that you know a few people, you think it's time to betray and backstab me. LOOK BITCH, WHEN YOU GET TO THE TOP WHICH SADLY YOU WILL, AND KEEP YOUR SHIT UP THERE FOR THE NEXT 2 AND A HALF YEARS LIKE I HAVE AND THEN MAYBE WE CAN COMPARE NOTES, but for now, keep your shit and fake friends to yourself and leave me out of it. Trying to act like someone on MSP when 99% of the world don't even know you exist or f^cking care about your fame on MSP!! PATHETIC HOLLIGAN!!
Lets face it you were NO ONE on MSP and survived on short movies until Roxy and I adopted you as a friend-.- I f^cking made peace between you, Roxy and Fran when they hated your guts, whilst all along you were part of a plan to destroy me on Msp. I suffered a nervous break down due to the vicious attack you and Candi plotted against me 2 yrs ago!! How you must have laughed at me behind my back! Yes, I have forgiven Candi because she had the decency to own her part and talk about it. But, You Alisha on the other hand, hid your involvement, befriended me under false pretence, used my connections for fame! and to this day you continue to lie and won't own up your part!!
I have watched you teamed up with Roxy and change her personality for the worst to a point where I can't even recognise my ex-bff anymore!! You've dragged her into your stupid fights with people and make her look like an idiot!! Your not 2-faced, you are 6-face Alisha, I doubt if you are ever true to your friends. When you are alone with me you bash Roxy's name to pieces and back me up on most occasions and when you are with Roxy, you bash my name! People should be afraid of you Alishit, you are the Devil. You and your douche bag bf deserve each other. GOOD RIDDANCE!!
ishacool Out.