Hey Guys, It's been a while. Here's an MSP update for you!
Well for starters, not many people online seeing as it's pretty early on a Saturday Morning but i prefer it that way. Unfortunately being only level 12... I can't accept all your friend requests. I'm sorry but i can't. There's been so many messages, friend requests, it's all great! Thank you for all your support :)
Obviously, there's new levels and OBVIOUSLY Ishacool is still the highest and Chuck still on the first page... But atleast he's still at the bottom where he belong :) I wonder if i'm ever going to achieve the old highest level which was level 25 i believe... It seems impossible seeing as i'm not as active as i used to be and there's no reason for me to pursue MSP in the long run but i'm taking baby steps and blogging is a passion of mine!
Try and help me raise my fame bar so i can add all those requests and just be higher leveled. I think everyone wants that and to have fun, right...? I'll promise to try and stay active and continue my truthful and bitchy gossip.x
Well the chat rooms certainly have updated. It's not particularly to my taste but what can you do?
Just had to check whether or not she was still blocking me, i already knew the answer. She's pretty much predictable and she holds grudges just as always. I checked back i believe a couple of months ago and she was single and now she's back with Chuck.. The long ass relationship between her, a intellectual, bright, witty and catty girl and him a dumb, foolish, arrogant, ignorant boy. I personally prefer ishacool. He's just the third wheel, another excuse just to be in some sort of relationship... She can block me all she likes but she can't stop me from her being the targeted person in my posts every now and then :) I'll look forward to releasing new gossip on the "Queen."

It amazes me on how trashy his looks can get... I mean that, as do all the other MSP players who are ridiculously popular have such disgusting, trashy and weird looks. They need to either simplify it and stick with a theme or just be naked because i give up on fashion with them all because they have no taste. I hate Chuck, big surprise but he and i just don't fit, mentioning this guy again just makes me cringe but i have to seeing as it is an update and his presence is quite relevant. (Plus i am still bitch of the year on his Blog and i do love my title.xx I'll redirect you to his blog post: http://chucksmspblog.blogspot.co.uk/2012/11/emily7861-put-post-on-her-blog-saying.html#comment-form)
At least Fran, a very old acquaintance never blocked me or had the reason to. She knew what'd happened but being a bigger person decided not to join in and stay out of it and had no personal reason to block me or didn't follow her best friend the "Queens" commands which everyone does just to get 15 minutes of fame.
Still blocked! Yay, thank you Alishak! I personally thought she'd never block me from the start but the "Queens" grasp was too strong so whatever!
A very old friend. I don't know if her friendship was true but she was quick to judge and quick to blog. The thing is no one higher leveled than you really cares unless you have a title and a reputation and obviously a lot of money and fans etc. She listened and blocked me because of Ishacool which was a cold move but i guess Holly's true colours showed in the end.
Also Holly's sister obviously following her sisters orders she to blocks me as petty as that sounds its all true but i couldn't careless.
Words cannot express how much i have to say about Candired... The girl whom i thought was a drear friend double crosses me, harasses me with her back up and her other friend lottiedoll which will not make an appearance in my post because i'm too lazy but you get the point, it was not a pretty sight. You get on her bad side and she totally goes on hardcore bitch mode to you and goes up Ishacools ass and ruins everything for you. She's fake basically, as every High Leveled MSP player can relate to that. Enough is enough, i'll rise one day and revolutionize this game. All in good time.
This is totally irrelevant but i really like this hairstyle on MSP, they did good on creating this one! Ignore my outfit but focus on the hair.
Well that's a wrap. This has been one of my biggest posts but you guys asked for one and you deserve it. Thank you to the players who've been here since day 1. Thank you to the ones who stayed by my side when the whole chaotic situation was going and to the ones who defended me, i am forever grateful.
Thank you and more posts will be up soon!
(Please share my blog, we're a growing family!)